Ali Emiri Efendi and His World

Fermans, Berats, Calligraphies, Books
A Selection from the Millet Manuscript Library

Ali Emiri Efendi and His World

If the cultural inheritance of past, particularly the fragile and perishable pieces of inheritance - such as books, documents, manuscripts or photographs-miraculously manage to survive until the present day, it is mostly through the efforts of a number of nameless heroes, who dedicate their entire lives to the collection, preservation and transmission of these objects to future generations. Thanks to these men, who recognize and appreciate their value, many priceless works of the past have withstood wars, destruction or natural disasters, transcending centuries to assume their places in today's contemporary museums and library collections.

Ali Emîrî Efendi and His World exhibition hosted in both the galleries of the Pera Museum and of the İstanbul Research Institute, sought to explore the unconventional adventures of such a man. Through the imperial edicts, books and calligraphic works he excavated from the debris of a deteriorating empire, subsequently preserved and donated to the Millet Library, which he established. Alongside a selection of his personal belongings and documents, we encounter the persona of Ali Emîrî Efendi as a “culture man” and journey into a world he was passionately connected to. The catalogue also includes articles by Ekrem Işın, Tuba Çavdar, Melek Gençboyacı, Mübahat S. Kütükoğlu, and Uğur Derman.

Date of Publication: 2007
Number of pages: 

9 On the Luminous Path of an Unconventional Man of Culture...
Suna & İnan Kıraç

11 A Heroic Lover of Books and Culture: Ali Emîrî Efendi
Atilla Koç, Republic of Turkey Minister of Culture and Tourism

17 The Portrait of a Conervative in the Age of Ottoman Modernization: Ali Emîrî Efendi
Ekrem Işın

34 The Library of Ali Emîrî Efendi
Tûba Çavdar

45 Millet Library From the Republic Until Today
Melek Gençboyacı

54 On Tuğra, Ferman ve Berat
Mübahat S. Kütükoğlu

91 Catalogue

93 Fermans and Berats
Uğur Derman

191 Kıt’as
Uğur Derman

283 Books
Uğur Derman

388 Ali Emîrî Chronology